OMNITRACKER Basissystem 1920


OMNITRACKER Core System for your business processes

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Centerpiece of the OMNITRACKER system

The high-performing OMNITRACKER Core System contains a range of flexible and yet easy to use configuration options. The OMNITRACKER platform is a modular software solution, which can be extended at any time. Customize our standard applications or create applications by yourself to meet user-specific requirements — without any programming.

Architecture of the Business Process Ecosystem OMNITRACKER

The Business Process Ecosystem OMNITRACKER is a flexibly configurable software solution for business processes. OMNITRACKER consists of:

  • core System
  • interfaces and
  • modular applications,

with which you can digitally map the processes in your company. The access takes place via OMNITRACKER clients.

The core system is the centerpiece of OMNITRACKER. It contains the workflow engine including all configuration tools, with which you can centrally control your data models, workflows and authorization concepts. In addition, you can define escalation rules, automatic notifications as well as forms and customize them as required. This allows you to remain flexible and to continuously optimize your business processes, which ensures your long-term competitiveness.

Advantages of OMNITRACKER Core System

Advantages at a glance:

  • Data management in one central system
  • Graphic workflows according to your requirements
  • Individual creation of forms
  • Rule-driven messages
  • Control over user Rights
  • User-specific views
  • Comprehensive reporting tool
  • Automate processes with BPMN
OMNITRACKER Basissystem Vorteile700

The core system contains all main functions of OMNITRACKER. With our applications, you can connect processes of other company departments to your central system. All OMNITRACKER tools have a consistent user interface. This facilitates the cross-application operation of the end users. In addition, your administrators benefit from this uniformity in configuration. We guarantee release compatibility. After version updates, individual adaptations are retained.

In the configuration environment, you make central system Adjustments.

Central data management

In the OMNITRACKER core system, you manage master data, customer data, product data etc. in a secure and structured way. At the same time, the core system serves as a database for all OMNITRACKER applications. This reduces your administration and maintenance efforts significantly and prevents data redundancy.

Graphical definition of workflows

Your various processes can be mapped in the graphical workflow editor in OMNITRACKER. In this way, all participants get a better overview and it allows them to see the individual steps of each process. In addition, dependencies can be recognized. You can change and extend these workflows in the administration client.

Form editors for desktop and web client

The core system also includes useful form editors that allow you to create your forms individually. This tool does not require any programming knowledge either. You create your forms yourself with an editor by adjusting the size and arrangement of fields and tabs. At the same time, you determine the field types (e.g. selection menu or text field), subsequent forms and dependencies.

Rule-based notification

You determine yourself when automated messages are sent. When a defined event or an OMNITRACKER escalation (i.e. an action that depends on rules and time) occurs, individual users or all persons or groups are notified by e-mail. In this way, you inform about certain events or remind about open tasks without manual effort.

Client capability

Decide in detail who is allowed to view, edit and review data or documents. Protect your documents and get approval and feedback from the respective area of responsibility. You can define read and write rights for each step of a workflow. Using the authorization concept, you can also define these permissions or restrictions for entire groups of people (e.g. departments/locations).

Definition of own views and display options

OMNITRACKER offers numerous filter options and shortcuts to customize the tool interface. Each end user can individually define the view with the underlying functions in the client, which enables efficient working.

Creation of reports and statistics

With the help of OMNITRACKER reports, you can visualize your data according to different criteria and create well-structured reports. Thus, the management always has meaningful data as a basis for decision-making available. These reports enable you to understand all business processes so that you recognize trends and understand complex relationships more easily.

Process modeling with BPMN

Additionally, digital process modeling via BPMN is perfectly integrated in OMNITRACKER and is well-suited for frequently recurring processes. With the OMNITRACKER BPMN Modeler, you can precisely map business processes and workflows. Our modeler for BPMN processes supports the international industry standard BPMN 2.0. The OMNITRACKER BPMN Engine enables IT-based workflows to support, shorten or reorganize your existing processes. Your modeled processes are then executed automatically. Thus, administrative, recurring tasks are reduced to a minimum, saving important capacities and resources.

You would like to use OMNITRACKER in your company?

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Always keep your key figures in view with the KPI-Cockpit

Define your own performance indicators (KPIs) in OMNITRACKER or adapt the performance measurements already implemented in the applications. The data of the KPI measurements can not only be used in reports, but also be displayed graphically in OMNITRACKER. Different visualization elements are available for this purpose, so that you always have an overview of the quality of any process. More complex analyses can be displayed with Business Intelligence.

With the KPIs, which are part of the OMNITRACKER Core System, you can get a quick overview of your most important information (e.g. current open incident, idle times ...) at any time. These can be displayed graphically in a KPI cockpit (e.g. in the form of bars, lines, pie charts etc. ...) and show any evaluations and statistics.

Secure communication with the SSL/TLS Gateway


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the former security technology standard for establishing an encrypted network connection between a web server and a client. Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is the most commonly used encryption for surfing and e-mailing. It is a standardized further development of the SSL protocol. The TLS procedure encrypts data streams on the internet so that only authorized recipients can read them. Today, encrypted data transmission is often referred to as SSL/TLS.

The component OMNITRACKER SSL/TLS Gateway encrypts the communication between OMNITRACKER server and Windows client according to the TLS protocol. It also encrypts SMTP, IMAP4 and POP3 traffic from and to OMNITRACKER Email Gateway via SSL/TLS.

Get to know our core system, connect external systems via our interfaces and expand the functional range of your software system with our applications.

Business Process Ecosystem